Perhaps, within the wide range of finishes on the market, what we lack is to break the monotony of traditional flooring. For that, new patterns and flooring configurations have been created and we would like to show you some of the most transcendental ones.
The Herringbone pattern, an old and daring pattern that we loved. That is why we have recently added it to our catalog.
The Chevron has a similar style to the Herringbone pattern, with a more characterful, dynamic and aggressive profile. It can be complex to fit this pattern in a cabin, but if you succeed, you will get a touch of personality that leaves no one indifferent.
The Square Basket is a more subtle floor configuration than the previous ones. It consists of the placement of slats in square surfaces that change direction around them, as if it were a single-color chessboard. This design is timeless and therefore depends on the taste of each one to put it in your home, but of course it is also an option to consider when designing your home if you want to get out of the usual ideas.
Having commented on these three styles, which come from long ago, we would like to show you what innovations in terms of design brings us today.
We are talking about Mix & Match, and today we are going to show you what you need to achieve it in your home.
First of all. To achieve it you only need think on the project and patience. It is important not to do things in a hurry and plan them on paper, contact an expert, and then you will be able to enjoy a room with a modern style.
Second. Look for your references. Think about where you want to innovate, it can be on the floor, the wall. It can be a detail or repeated continuously, in modules or in some pattern as we saw before. They can be very similar woods or you can generate a very powerful contrast, colors, etc.. The design can be infinite.
Finally, take a look at our catalog about the formats and think that in our Mix & Match it is even possible to combine different formats of slats, XL with smaller ones, with different finishes, the final installation will still be as simple.