Renovations are a double-edged sword: on the one hand they are exciting, you are getting exactly what you like, but on the other they are a time-energy-money consuming headache. Finding suppliers, achieving high quality finishes and delivering the project on time are usually the most complicated issues. However, Step & Wall makes it easy for you: with its wide range of designs in stock and the click installation system, everything will be arranged in no time.
One of the things that will help you with your renovation is to coordinate the delivery of materials. Step & Wall, to avoid delays, has 12 designs with immediate delivery. Basically, if you like one, you can have it at home the following day and avoid the annoying delays that sometimes happen. If you have more time on your hands, we can serve in 2 weeks or 1 month. In other words, we offer a wide service of deliveries which will help you with the schedules.
On the other hand, Step & Wall uses a click installation system by Unifit X, which facilitates the installation of the floor ensuring a smooth finish. Furthermore, you won’t need any nails nor glue nor isolating blanket. Our floors have a sheet of cork that will serve this purpose and they are fitted easily like a puzzle. This will considerably reduce the amount of time required to finish the installation thus saving money and energy. Goal achieved!