The raised floor is a technological system of floor assembly that comes from the need to hide the installations of work and industrial spaces… A modular structure is built for support this floor at a certain height, approximately one step, enough to assemble the necessary framework.
These are installations such as piping, electricity, telephone and air conditioning equipment, among others, which generate a large amount of wiring and other elements that have to be hidden for aesthetic, safety and practical reasons.
The raised access floor must achieve certain conditions, as it must be rigid and support sufficient weight in each of its modules. Raised access flooring should not be confused with raised flooring, as they meet completely different conditions. Raised access flooring is mounted directly on top of the previous floor.
In addition to the need to hide the installations of large spaces, one of the great advantages of this floor is that it allows periodic maintenance thanks to its modular system, which offers a very comfortable handling of the situation for any technician to adjust or repair them.Share in Pinterest